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Rocky Mountain Methodology Academy in Calgary July 18-29, 2023

  • 1.  Rocky Mountain Methodology Academy in Calgary July 18-29, 2023

    Posted 05-31-2023 12:02

    Time is running out to secure your space at the second annual Rocky Mountain Methodology Academy, held in Calgary July 18-29, 2023, offered by the Canadian Centre for Research Analysis and Methods at the Haskayne School of Business. Take between one and four courses on the following topics all taught in-person by experts in their disciplines:

    July 18-19: Scale Development and Psychometrics (taught by Jessica Flake, McGill University)

    July 18-19: Introduction to Structural Equation Modeling (taught by Doug Baer, University of Victoria)

    July 21-22: Multilevel Structural Equation Modeling (taught by Kristopher Preacher, Vanderbilt University)

    July 21-22: Introduction to Multilevel Modeling (taught by Jason Rights, University of British Columbia)

    July 24-25: Latent Profile Analysis (taught by Matthew McLarnon, Mount Royal University)

    July 24-25: Introduction to Mediation, Moderation, and Conditional Process Analysis (taught by Andrew Hayes, University of Calgary)

    July 27-28: Mediation, Moderation, and Conditional Process Analysis: A Second Course (taught by Andrew Hayes, University of Calgary)

    July 27-28: Introduction to Social Network Analysis (taught by Jenny Godley, University of Calgary)

    Registration includes a day trip to Banff, one of Canada's most popular tourist destinations, at no additional charge. Seats are limited and filling quickly, as is space on the bus to Banff. Multi-course and graduate student discounts are available. Register asap to guarantee your space in class and to Banff. For information and to register, go to

    If you can't make it to Calgary, you can still take Introduction to Mediation, Moderation, and Conditional Process Analysis online and on-demand, taught by Andrew F. Hayes. This course will run July 26 to Aug 16 and does not require you to be online at any specific time during the offering period.  See

    Andrew Hayes
    Distinguished Research Professor
    Haskayne School of Business
    University of Calgary
    Calgary AB Canada