Dear Colleagues and Friends,
Business school sustainability centres are an essential part of meeting today's sustainability challenges. The NBS Sustainability Centres Community (SCC) exists to connect and support these centres in their work. It's a network of almost 200 centres, at universities on every continent but Antarctica.
Every two years, these centres come together to discuss the challenges and opportunities of directing a sustainability centre. The 2023 Workshop will be in New York from June 13-15. It is co-hosted by the MIT Sloan Sustainability Initiative and part of Responsible Management Education Week, held in partnership with the United Nations Principles of Responsible Management Education (PRME) and other organizations.
As the Director of the Network for Business Sustainability, I'm very excited about the collaboration that this event represents. With MIT, we've planned an exciting day focused on systems change. Activities planned with PRME include themes of climate change, pedagogy, digital transformation, and leadership.
Too often, sustainability networks don't connect as they should. Responsible Management Education Week is all about sharing knowledge and amplifying each other's efforts, to achieve the change we all seek.
With that in mind: Please register! You can find out more about the SCC-focused programming here; details on the full week and registration are available here. (And if your centre is not already part of the Sustainability Centres Community, please join! It's free, and we can do so much more working together.)
Below is an overview of the week. Please contact us with any questions ( and we look forward to seeing you in New York.
The event in June is the first step of a longer journey of collective engagement and impact!
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Jury Gualandris
Associate Professor, Operations Management & Sustainability, Ivey Business School
Director, Network for Business Sustainability