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JoMSR - Issue 2 is now available

  • 1.  JoMSR - Issue 2 is now available

    Posted 08-03-2023 05:29

    Dear OSCM Division colleagues,

    The second issue of Journal of Management Scientific Reports (volume 1, issue 2) is now available; all articles are open access for six months:

    This issue focuses on replication and reproducibility studies. It includes an invited editorial on best practices for designing and writing such studies, a reproducibility study that re-examines and extends Bertrand and Mullainathan's (2004) findings on employment discrimination, and a constructive replication of Melwani and Barsade's (2011) findings on contemptuous feedback. In the spirit of the constructive, cumulative research that JOMSR fosters, this issue also includes two commentaries on an article published in issue 1. We hope you enjoy reading this issue and find it helpful to designing a study to submit to JOMSR!

    To learn more about JOMSR and how you can publish in it, join us at AoM during PDW 347: What Does it Mean to Test Theory? (205 Hynes, Saturday August 05, 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM); or reach out to the editorial team (see

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