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Join us for the Qualitative Comparative Analysis (QCA) PDW at AOM 2023 in Boston!

  • 1.  Join us for the Qualitative Comparative Analysis (QCA) PDW at AOM 2023 in Boston!

    Posted 05-15-2023 13:05

    Dear colleagues,

    We would like to draw your attention to the following PDW at the Academy of Management Meeting 2023: QUALITATIVE COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS (QCA): A SET-ANALYTIC APPROACH TO STUDYING CONFIGURATIONS

    Part 1-3

    The PDW includes 3 Parts. If you have no or only a little knowledge of, and experience with, QCA you can join us during Part 1 to learn the basic "nuts and bolts" of QCA and configurational logic and understand if this might be the right tool for your research project. If you are also interested in current methodological issues and advances in QCA, join us during Part 2! For those of you who'd like to get feedback on one of your ongoing QCA research papers, join us for Part 3!


    If you're joining us for Part 1 and Part 2, you do not need to register (PDW open to all conference attendees). If you'd like to participate in Part 3, please submit an extended abstract of 1,500-2,000 words to by 14 July 2023. In your abstract, please summarize your study's topical area, theoretical background, research gap, and question, and include details about the data, analytical strategy (for empirical papers), and preliminary results. Please also indicate your target journal and add a few questions that you would like the reviewers to address. A panel of QCA experts will review all submissions and evaluate their fit with the PDW according to the clarity of purpose, methodological rigor, and innovative character of the research. We will inform you shortly, by 30 July 2023, about your opportunities to participate in Part 3.

    Reading list

    We offer a list of recommended pre-readings and QCA resources along with the PDW. If you'd like to receive the list of recommended pre-readings and resources get in touch with Johannes (

    Conveners & Facilitators:

    Ruth Aguilera, Northeastern University,

    Joanna T. Campbell, University of Cincinnati,

    Donal Crilly, London Business School,

    Peer C. Fiss, University of Southern California,

    Santi Furnari, City University London,

    Thomas Greckhamer, Louisiana State University,

    Rodney Lacey, Arizona State University,

    Johannes Meuer, KLU Hamburg,

    Vilmos F. Misangyi, The Pennsylvania State University,

    Best wishes,


    Johannes Meuer