Hello everyone!
Welcome to the last day of the AOM Conference. Today we have many interesting paper sessions. Here is a short summary (Tuesday, August 8th):
· 8:00am-9:30am:
o Supply Chain Management (#1720) in Baltic, Westin
o Buyer-Supplier Relationship II (#1721) in Defender, Westin
· 10:00am-11:30am: Supply Chain Sustainability II (#1877) in Defender, Westin
· 12:00pm-1:30pm:
o Supply Chain Management III (#2029), in America Centre, Westin
o Project Management (#2030), in Baltic, Westin
o Supply Network and Risk (#2021) in Defender, Westin
· 2:00-3:30pm:
o Service Operations and Disasters (#2154), 03:45pm-05:15pm in Defender, Westin
o COVID-19 and Supply Chain Management (#2155) in Gloucester, Westin
o Paradoxical and Dynamic Performance of Lean Practices (#2156) in Great Republic, Westin
We look forward to seeing you there!
Iana Shaheen
University of Arkansas
Fayetteville AR